We offer free peer support visits to individuals (and their families) who are new to the amputee community.
What Is A Peer Support Visit
A peer visitor is a person who has experienced limb loss, has completed post-surgery rehabilitation, and has trained to offer emotional peer support, encouragement, and information vital for a full recovery. NOP connects with amputees in hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and/or their home. In fact, speaking to someone who personally understands what it means to lose a limb can often be a great relief, provide you with the opportunity to share concerns and ask questions that only someone who has been through limb loss can answer. They can also assist family members or care givers who want to better understand how they can help a loved one who has experienced (or is about to undergo) an amputation.

Savanna was diagnosed at 3 months old with Neurofibromatosis, a rare genetic disorder. Neurofibromatosis has caused her to have her leg amputated at the age of 11 which has caused her to be an amputee for 26 years. Neurofibromatosis not only has caused her to have her leg amputated but has caused her to develop multiple tumors throughout her body, inside and outside, that has resulted in her having numerous surgeries. She spent 15 years on crutches until she met the NOP Prosthetics team. Today she is walking without crutches, has become a patient advocate for us and has been dedicated to understand and assist people with disabilities.
Juan has been a patient advocate since 2019 with NOP Prosthetics. As he became an amputee in 2015 due to a motorcycle accident that caused him to lose his left arm above the elbow. Juan helps patients navigate through a complex before/after process of getting a prosthesis. Moreover, influenced patients by Juan's reassurance, will achieve confidently their first steps of many that will come with time. In addition to his experience as a prosthesis user, Juan shows others how to use their prosthetic device in the gym as he is an ex Power lifter and shows how to adapt to day-to-day duties around the house. In short, Juan makes a good example of finding the way around obstacles. Furthermore, Juan's favorite hobby is to spend time, travel, and have fun with his son.