Below-Knee Prosthetic Legs:
Ever wondered how below-knee prosthetic legs, also referred to as BK or transtibial prosthetics, operate? These remarkable devices comprise several key components, including custom-made sockets, liners, pylons, and feet. Each element in a transtibial prosthesis is meticulously crafted to harmonize, offering not only comfort but also optimal functionality. Together, these components work in concert to enable individuals to regain their mobility.
Above-Knee Prosthetic Legs:
Have you ever pondered the mechanics of above-knee prosthetic legs, also known as AK or transfemoral prosthetics? An above-knee artificial limb is a complex assembly, featuring custom-made sockets, liners, knee units, pylons, and feet. In specific cases where an entire leg has been amputated, this prosthetic might even include a prosthetic hip joint, depending on the nature of the amputation and residual limb length. This multifaceted design empowers individuals to regain their independence and mobility.
Microprocessor-Controlled Prosthetic Devices:
Imagine the extraordinary possibilities that emerge when technology and prosthetics converge. Microprocessor-controlled prosthetic devices, whether applied to the knee or foot, have revolutionized the field. These cutting-edge creations yield remarkable outcomes for patients. Equipped with an array of sensors, gauges, and gyroscopes, these devices transmit critical data to the knee or foot, which then dynamically adjusts friction and fluid levels in the hydraulic system. The result? An energy-efficient gait pattern and a heightened sense of stability, empowering patients to confidently navigate diverse terrains.